Daddy Gave Me An Airplane

I will be posting this song soon…

Music and flying are both my passion so it is only natural that I should combine the two and produce a song about flying.

I’ve been going to air shows on a fairly regular basis since 1995 when I first went to Sun-N-Fun, now called FlySNF, in Florida. I followed that a year later with a trip to the Oshkosh fly-in, which is now known as AirVenture. and became an EAA, Experimental Aircraft Association, member at that time.

That was enough to give me the bug to build my own airplane and I am now, finally, almost 30 years later, building 2 kit aircraft which progress you can see at my build log web site

A number of years later, I don’t recall how many, a fellow named John Zapp started a non-profit called Flying Musicians, which I also joined, and began playing at the airshows as part of John’s organization.

During this time I decided that I should write a song to which pilots might relate and the result was “Daddy Gave Me An Airplane”. It was one of those songs that just kind of wrote itself and it wasn’t until a while after playing it publicly for the first time that I realized it is actually quite biographical and has a deeper meaning than simply “Daddy Gave Me An Airplane”. Which he did.

I do have a recording of the song but it’s not quite the way I’d like it heard so I will re-record it soon and post it here along with the lyrics.

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